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What is DELE?

The Diplomas in Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE) are official qualifications certifying the degree of competence in the Spanish language, granted by Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain.

DELE is not a course and does not follow a syllabus. DELE Diplomas certify your level of Spanish. If you know any  Spanish or if you have studied Spanish, or, if you are a teacher of Spanish, you can now officially  prove your level by getting one of the DELE Diplomas. They are internationally recognized and enjoy great prestige. They are a guarantee in assessing and evaluating linguistic competence in the Spanish language.

How do I get a DELE diploma? It is very simple. You need to sit the exams and if you are successful you receive the diploma.  There are two sittings each year: November and May. These exams can only be done in official DELE examination centres. There are two official DELE examination centres in Jamaica, one in Montego Bay, the other in Kingston at the University of Technology, Jamaica.

How can I prepare for the exams? You can practice on your own with pass papers that can be found at the official site. Additionally, you can attend the two DELE workshops being offered by the DELE UTech centre. Our teachers are official DELE examiners who want to help you in your preparation so that you can be successful in your exam.  Bear in mind that the workshops are not lessons in grammar etc., but rather on examination techniques, practice with exam papers and providing feedback. 
How do I know which level to choose? The DELE examinations have been designed pursuant to the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which ensures a practical way of establishing a standard, international and objective measurement of the level that should be reached at each teaching stage, and in evaluating results. There are six levels of the DELE diplomas.  Make sure that you choose the appropriate level (2) for the sitting.

How do I register for the sitting? Get information here.

Where can I get more information on the DELE workshops? Click here.

VIDEO: DELE jamaican experiences

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