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Nivel A1

Level A1

This Diploma is the first of the six learning levels proposed in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe.
Level-A1 DELE examination (DELE A1) enables students to access the Spanish-speaking world, improves their academic education and provides them with confidence to continue advancing towards the other levels.
This Diploma accredits that students will be able to use elementary language in communication situations involving immediate needs or very common everyday matters.
DELE A1 is, therefore, an internationally recognized certification tool that connects people from their first contact with Spanish and evaluates their level in Spanish from the beginning of their studies.

The DELE A1 examination 

The DELE A1 exam is made up of different parts organized into two groups:

  • Group 1 (reading and writing skills): Reading comprehension (45 minutes, 4 tasks) and written expression and interaction (25 minutes, 2 tasks).
  • Group 2 (oral skills): Listening comprehension (20 minutes, 4 tasks) and oral expression and interaction (15 minutes).

A “passing” grade is required for each test taken during the same examination session.

The maximum possible score is 100 points. A minimum score of 30 in each group is necessary to receive an overall "passing" grade.

The final grade is either PASS or FAIL.

IMPORTANT: In the written expression test, the candidate must strictly follow instructions about the number of words and the text format.



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