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Registration procedures

1.   Complete registration form.  
Form should be duly filled out in duplicate. One you will retain and one will be submitted along with the other required documents. The form can be download HERE (after clicking on link, scroll to bottom of page and click on "formulario de solicitud de inscripción 2017").

2.  Pay examination fee.  
a) Bank payment - The fee can be paid in cash or by cheque or by making a deposit or a transfer (Please indicate on the slip that the payment is for ‘UTech DELE registration’ and indicate the level you will be sitting) to this NCB account:    

                  Account name: University of Technology
                  Account number: 374023187
b)  Online payment - Payment can be made online at  Print a copy of the receipt to submit with the other documents.

3.  Submit documents to the UTech DELE centre: 
                 Documents to submit
                        Registration form 
                        Bank voucher or Receipt from online payment
a) Submit the registration form, bank voucher/receipt from online payment, along with the original as well as a copy of any form of identification to the UTech DELE centre located in the Language, Technology and Research Centre in the Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies (FELS) between the hours of 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday. The ID must include your photograph, your nationality, place and date of birth.

 b) Documents may also be faxed to 977-9676 or scanned and sent via email to (registration form + bank voucher/receipt from online payment + identification)
    Examination levels and cost per level (USD):
         a)  A1 Escolar / For young learners           US$73
              A2/B1 Escolar / For young learners     US$106
              (These exams are for candidates between the ages of 11 and 17 years of age)

       b)  General  (ages 18 & up)
            A1 (Beginner's)                               US$73
            A2 (Elementary)                             US$88
            B1 (Intermediate)                            US$106
            B2 (Upper Intermediate)                 US$123
            C1 (Advanced)                                US$132
            C2 (Proficiency)                              US$142

        Registration fees include payment for the issuing and shipping of the diploma.

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